Southern Illinois Cycling Community

winter cycling

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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Favorite season for cycling

    What's your favorite season for cycling? Why is it your favorite? For me: Summer Why: Because I like warmth. I like to wear shorts and short-sleeve jerseys and be comfortable. Cold hurts and is hard to get used to. I'd rather bike in humidity any day than cold.
  2. Shawn Gossman

    What's the coldest you'll ride in (outside)?

    I've ridden the road bike when it was 32-F out. It was at Murphysboro Lake around the lake. If you've ridden that, then you know how hilly it is. Needless to say, I warmed up fast lol. Nowadays, I don't like riding outside if it's under 45 but I'll force myself if I have to. I bought all sorts...
  3. Shawn Gossman

    How do you stay motivated and consistent with your road cycling training throughout the year?

    This is especially the case for the colder winter months! How do you remain a consistent road cyclist? Do you increase indoor training or do you still get out in the cold?