Southern Illinois Cycling Community

What's your weekly mileage goal?

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I really prefer to not have a set goal I like to be able to ride as much as I want lol. But with it getting warmer I hope to keep my weekly average mileage 100+ per week but really need to split up my activities to include more paddling and hiking. We’ll see how that works out.
Yeah, I agree. Like we talked about the other day, if all I do is ride, ride, and ride, I'll get burned out quickly. It's nice to throw hiking and kayaking in there, too.
I don't think miles, since vary with road, gravel and dirt. Try to get out at least 3 days a week, one relaxing and longer, and rest cruising for fun, interspersed with different length intervals. If riding lots of hills, pick up the pace and those are my intervals!
I need to be more like that. I just keep setting myself up to be busy all the time. I try to bike at least 2 days a week.