Southern Illinois Cycling Community

How to Create a New Topic on this Forum

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Shawn Gossman

Forum Admin
Staff member
Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Dec 18, 2023
Howdy folks,

Just in case you're new to the forum platform and don't know how to post, I wanted to put together this quick tutorial. Note that it will look very similar on mobile, too. I'm using my account, which is an Administrator account, so you might not have some of the same options as me, such as making a topic unlocked or sticky.

To Create a New Post:​

A new post is a new thread or topic. It is the start of a new conversation, and you're highly encouraged to create them.

Step #1:​

Go to the Forum Index and select the section of your choice. For this example, we are going to select Road Biking.

Step #2:

Press the Post Thread button to create a new thread/post/topic.


Step #3:

Put in a "Thread Title" (which is what people will see first). Put in the "Thread Body," which is the main message you want to post. OPTIONAL: You can add some tags that specifically relate to the subject of the message, like "cycling" and "trek bikes." Separate them by commas, and they will turn into tags. Tags help with the search but are completely optional. Then, press the "Post Thread" button to post the topic.


Step 4:

Then the thread will post and you can see the ending result. The reply box below is how you and others can add to the conversation.


The end! :)